Hunting Ridge Condominium Association, Inc.
Greenbelt, Maryland
On-Site Office
Contact the on-site office regarding maintenance items, neighbor-to-neighbor concerns, meeting schedules, general community issues, etc.
6914 Hanover Parkway
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Office: 301-345-1777
Fax: 301-345-6001
Management Company Office
6300 Woodside Court, Suite 10
Columbia, MD 21046
Office: 301-596-2600
After Hours Emergency: 301-596-2086
Fax: 301-596-2082
Contact the Community Manager regarding general management matters.
Rick Cummings, Vice President ……………. Ext. 3210 …………..
Contact the Community Administrator regarding general administrative matters.
Savannah Kennedy, Community Administrator …………….. Ext. 3220 …………..
Contact the Community Accountant regarding general financial matters.
Kelly Carpenter, Community Accountant …………….. Ext. 1230 …………..
Contact the Assistant Community Accountant regarding accounts payable, accounts receivable, account balances, and delinquent accounts.
Samantha Prettyman, Assistant Community Accountant …………….. Ext. 4540 …………..
Association Insurance Company
(for certificates of insurance)
HMS Insurance
Contact CVI
6300 Woodside Court, Suite 10
(Doors I and J)
Columbia, MD 21046
24-Hour Emergency:
Did You Know
Maryland law requires homeowners association and condominium owners to disclose specific information regarding the community and their property upon resale including, but not limited to, all official association documents, covenants and restrictions, a statement of fees and/or assessments of the association, a statement of any outstanding rule violations, and more.